tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-365486440121931181.post8170655435991428514..comments2015-02-15T05:33:09.749-05:00Comments on Latin Baby Book Club: The 2011 Pura Belpré Award WinnersMonicahttp://www.blogger.com/profile/12347426995107090517noreply@blogger.comBlogger2125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-365486440121931181.post-34515119418174049092011-02-16T10:05:31.394-05:002011-02-16T10:05:31.394-05:00Hi, Laura. Thanks for sharing this. It is interes...Hi, Laura. <br />Thanks for sharing this. It is interesting that you bring this up as there was a giant discussion on one of the teacher listserves not too long ago regarding whether or not Mexico was a part of North America. Many argued that it was actually a part of Central America. (Both sides were very adamant about their opinion! And both provided reputable websites to back it.) <br />As a child, I was taught that it was a part of N. America, and this is what I am teaching my children.Monicahttp://www.blogger.com/profile/12347426995107090517noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-365486440121931181.post-15226904940951140362011-02-16T06:55:26.103-05:002011-02-16T06:55:26.103-05:00Thank you for sharing the Pura Belpre Award Winner...Thank you for sharing the Pura Belpre Award Winners. I picked up a copy of Dear Primo: A Letter to My Cousin the other day at the library for my 7 year old son. I figured he could relate since he has cousins in Mexico that he corresponds with. The book was very cute with great illustrations but my one objection is the reference to the cousin Charlie as living in &quot;America&quot; rather than the United States. Small detail perhaps, but I feel that there is enough ignorance about geography and that people &quot;forget&quot; that Mexico is part of North America and that we should try to not perpetuate these perceptions.Laura S.noreply@blogger.com