Sunday, April 26, 2009

What an adventure with Fiesta Musical!

While "Spring cleaning" may hold the typical meaning in my house, it is also a time to breathe new life into how we enjoy the extended daylight by opening up the windows and doors and filling our home with sounds from around the world.
There is nothing better than watching little dancing feet move around the house in time with the beat!

Last month, Violeta shared how much her family enjoys LinaLuna and this month I want to tell you about a great album called Fiesta Musical: A Musical Adventure through Latin America for Children.

We are fortunate that our local library has a selection of children's books as well as CDs in Spanish. I was excited to find this album because I liked that the album exposes children to specific songs from many countries across Latin America. I was also curious to see how they would tie it all in together; hopeful that there would be an educational element to it as well as the music.

Fortunately, I was not disappointed. Before each song, there is an explanation about its history or relevance narrated by Emilio Delgado first in English, and then in Spanish.

The album offers a range of tempos as well as introducing the sounds of many instruments not usually found in North American music. Also, since these are not the saccharin-sweet melodies that you might find in more recent music geared towards children your child may find a new favorite song with each passing year. As your child gets older, you can interweave stories and additional tidbits about the song's origin and country as they learn about Latin America and its rich history.

Our favorite song on the album is "Happy Bomba" from Puerto Rico because it makes you want to get up and dance with outstretched arms in order to welcome whomever may join you in your alegría.