Sunday, April 12, 2009

Reader Recommends Te quiero: Cuatro cuentos para compartir

In February we gave away the book, Te quiero: Cuatro cuentos para compartir. Since we had not actually reviewed the book, we asked the winner to send in a little review for us. Ginny from Teaching Generations and Wanna Jugar with Migo was the lucky reader to receive this book and she has graciously sent in the following review.

¡Muchas gracias, Ginny!

I was so excited to recieve the book, Te quiero: Cuatro cuentos para compartir. It is a nice hardback book with four simple stories that are perfect for reading to a young child. They are all about how much the child is loved by his family. Each one is uniquely illustrated. It is like having four new books.

I used it in my Spanish classes by having them read a page and then they translated it. I like that there is only Spanish on the page so we can translate instead of just reading the translation. Then I assigned some of the older boys to read it to some younger children. We are just doing one story at a time.

I took the book with me to visit my grandchildren and my granddaughter read it with me and translated almost everything. Now in the next week I am going to see more grandchildren, the ones I teach Spanish to and the ones that are being raised bilingually. I will have fun sharing it with them.

There are always words they learn when we read books, like "haces bobadas" and "puercoespín". In fact I had just learned a new word, antojarse, when we listened to the song El colesterol. I had to look it up. Then less than a week later I found it in this book "Te traigo esta fresa dulce y muy roja por si acaso se te antoja." I don't know that I had ever heard the word before but here I found it again. When we look up a word and try to learn it, then we hear it again and again.

Thank you so much for the giveaway. Because of sites like this I am buying more books and using them to teach children.