Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nursery Rhymes: Los Pollitos Dicen/The Baby Chicks Sing

Los pollitos dicen, The Baby Chicks Sing
selections by Nancy Abraham Hall and Jill Syverson-Stork
illustrations by Kay Chorao

As we continue to highlight Latino nursery rhymes and folktales this month, we’d like to share one of the first books published on this topic. Los pollitos dicen, The Baby Chicks Sing retains its charm and beauty 14 years later. Filled with the most popular rhymes found throughout Latin America and Spain, such as the one it is named after, the book is a simple delight for bilingual families looking to introduce cultural childhood traditions. An English rendition and brief description of finger-plays accompanies each rhyme. I like how the book also includes simple musical arrangements for piano or guitar.

But I think that what distinguishes this book from others with similar subject matter, is the artwork. Kay Chorao’s illustrations are bright and colorful, yet soft and gentle at the same time. The reader can easily see the love in a caress, the joy in a slide, and the glee in a dance. Each page is happiness and my children quickly responded to it.

My favorite passage may be “La panaderita”,

A la entrada del pueblo y a la salida,
Hay una panadera, panaderita, panaderita.
¡Qué panadera linda y chiquita,
qué panadera, panaderita!

Al besarla le ha dicho hoy, su abuelita:
“Eres sabrosa, niña, como la miga, como la miga.”
¡Qué panadera linda y chiquita,
qué panadera, panaderita!

If you would like to buy your own copy of Los pollitos dicen, The Baby Chicks Sing, please click here. Or you can follow the link in our sidebar to the LBBC’s on-line store. We have both new and gently used copies available.


Ruby said...

What a great book. I remember my grandmother singing some rhymes and now I sing them to my kids. I'll have invest in this book.

Monica said...

You will love it, Ruby! And so will your kids:)
