Monday, April 11, 2011

Celebrate National D.E.A.R. Day

Tomorrow, April 12th, is National Drop Everything And Read Day. The purpose is to remind and encourage families to make reading together on a daily basis a family priority. And with the education of Latinos in this country being in such a critical state, this is one simple way that parents can develop their children's literacy skills.

Participation is easy! All you need is a book. And your family. And 30 minutes of time.

So why not head to your local library today or tomorrow and pick up a few new stories - or maybe some of your favorites?

Here are a few of our favorite cuddle-and-read books:

by Marí­a Cristina Brusca and Tona Wilson

by Edith Hope Fine

by Maya Christina Gonzalez

by Jerry Tello

by Lori Marie Carlson

By Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy


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